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My first computer was the Atari 800 and that was all it took. When I was 12 I got a Commodore 64. I loved that damn thing.  I ended up having an Amiga as well. Those were wonderful times. The ability to learn and discover new things and figure out how the computer worked just fascinated me and I think that is what kept me going. I spent lots of time in my room during those years and came out with a knowledge that I could not have gained anywhere else in the world.

During that time I had introduced myself to the world of the BBS (Bulletin Board System). It was essentially an extremely early version of a website. It took some time to configure and program but by the time it was completed I had a file area, a message board, chat room, and a few other areas all stored on a tape drive that ran off my Commodore 64. I got my own phone line so it could run 24/7 and I was rolling. Of course my parents thought I was nuts. Even though my father understood the general sense of what I was doing, he just did not see what people got out of it.

Eventually I had my BBS chained with a few others and we essentially had a very early version of the Internet running on a series of 15 - 20 systems. We would trade files & we dealt in our fair share of piracy & hacking of software. This was mostly related to games and other software applications that we found useful but it was all about getting what we could for free. But that was a very long time ago and piracy back then is completely different from piracy today. But I am not here to debate the morality of hacking.

The point is I spent most of my younger years playing video games and learning as much about computers and computer systems as I could. If a video game system existed in the US I owned it. I still have a couple of them in boxes. Regardless, I gained a lot of computer knowledge throughout this entire period of my life and enjoyed every minute of it.


Like I said, I am also a writer. If you came to my services site from my blog then you know this already. But if you are starting here, you might not know about my writing. If your interested in my take on the world and various other things or just want to read some of my sci-fi stories then take a gander at my blog:


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Who am I? Why should you let me near your computer?



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Computers have changed a lot since those days. Basically everything got smaller, more adaptable, and everything is based of the idea that everything is networkable. I have kept up with all of the advancement throughout the years and learned a lot along the way.


I am also much older and more mature. Married with three kids and with a ton of various experience that I picked up. You do not get this level of professionalism, maturity, and experience fresh out of some school.


I actually enjoy what I do. Sure I would like to make more money, wouldn't we all? But I enjoy writing, working with computers, and helping people come to an understanding with their technology.  My diverse background has really given me the tools that I need to handle  such a wide variety of issues and tasks that I can be helpful to almost anyone at any time - that is truly enjoyable!


Finally, you will come to see that not only can I help you with various problems related to your technology but I am also an easy person to talk to and get along with. I am fun, down to earth, and can get along with such a wide variety of people that I have always had a diverse group of friends. So if you need help, let me help you. I can get your systems working again, get you to understand things you have problems understanding, and just make things work!


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